Mass-Market Retailing: The End of a System?_peliplat
Mass-Market Retailing: The End of a System?_peliplat

Mass-Market Retailing: The End of a System? (2021)

None | France | French | 87 min
Directed by: Rémi Delescluse

The hypermarket appeared in the 1960s and is symbolic of mass consumption. In Europe, mass retailing controls 70% of food sales. However, the hypermarket model seems to be in decline for some time, threatened by online sales in particular. To save its profitability, the sector is developing violent methods of cost reduction and purchasing negotiations. Meeting food suppliers, former executives of the supermarket industry and experts, the director draws up an inventory of a sector in crisis.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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