Bride Token_peliplat
Bride Token_peliplat

Bride Token (2021)

None | Netherlands | Chinese, Dutch, English | 16 min
Directed by: Xiaoyan Li

21-year-old Chinese girl Yanan comes to the Netherlands with her Dutch boyfriend Arnoud (27) for a holiday. After she finds out about her unintended pregnancy, Yanan wants to get married soon to avoid bringing more humiliation to herself and her family since premarital pregnancy is considered shameful in China. However, based on the Chinese tradition before the marriage, the groom's family needs to give the bride's family a sum of money as a "Bride Token". This action unheard of and unacceptable to the Dutch family. With the baby growing bigger each day, what will the couple do? Will their love eventually survive?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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