Quarterlife Cruisers_peliplat
Quarterlife Cruisers_peliplat

Quarterlife Cruisers (2021)

None | Netherlands | Dutch | 8 min
Directed by: Karlijn Koel

When the car is fine, but the people break down. Two 30-something besties, Wendy and Karin, are about to relive their teen years at a rock concert, when they decide to spice it up this time. They meet eighteen-year-old Anton who makes them feel young again. 'Hop on in!' and off they go: two dressed up glam rock chicks and one young guy who tries to keep his cool. It's like the olden days: carefree fun, adolescent sexual tensions, fantasies about doing drugs and the exciting promise of one very wild night. Or is it? Because Karin's husband is calling with mundane questions about their baby and the boy appears to still be living at his parents' house. The only one who can responsibly do drugs (because she's not breastfeeding) or kiss someone (because she's single) is Wendy. But this night should only be about being in the moment and only doing what they want, right? And does Wendy even want to do all these things, while Karin only watches? This roadtrip makes two women realize they're holding on to something that isn't there anymore. Or at least not exactly as it used to be. Maybe they'll have to redefine what their 'fun night out' should look like and discover that being young isn't some holy grail to fixate upon. They find out that everything always changes. Even if you try really hard to leave everything the way it was.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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