Happy Belated_peliplat
Happy Belated_peliplat

Happy Belated (2021)

None | USA | English | 35 min
Directed by: Manuel Saldana

Tariana has been living in another state far away from her family and friends for 4 years now. She has been feeling very lonely as she hasn't made any real friends. Her birthdays have lost meaning as the years pass by making her feel more depressed she's not with her family. One day, she is surprised when she walks into work and her coworkers throw her a surprise birthday party. Though her birthday was a little while ago, she is still very thankful that people thought about her. More so than the birthday party, what she really is concern about is about having that human connection with people. Unfortunately as the party goes on, she finds out that there may be other nefarious reasons why a belated birthday party was thrown for her by her coworkers. As she interacts with more of her coworkers, she sees more and more how distant they really are. Though funny at times, this takes an emotional toll on Tariana. What will she say when she is forced to make a speech in front of everyone at the office? Starring Samantha Rae Bass, Tiffany Vinters, Lisa Lam, Bryn Berg, and many more. This comedic drama is written, produced, and directed by Manuel Saldaña.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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