A Trip to Purpose Land_peliplat
A Trip to Purpose Land_peliplat

A Trip to Purpose Land (2022)

E (US) | USA | English |
Directed by: R.L. Moser

Meet siblings Devin and Kinsey Baker who due to the death of their mother and now incarcerated father has been placed in a dreadful group home run by the evil Foster Mother Janice Ethel. The Bakers, with the feelings of being lost, and alone will lead them on a whimsical trip to a place called Purpose Land. Watch how through determination, belief, songs, and creativity the Bakers will gain valuable life lessons from a loveable guide named Papa Purpose and his animated positive, rhythm-stepping friends the Purpose Peeps in A Trip to Purpose Land The Musical.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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