Diaries of a Sugar Baby_peliplat
Diaries of a Sugar Baby_peliplat

Diaries of a Sugar Baby (2019)

None | Canada | English | 76 min
Directed by: Roisin Clarke

Diaries of a Sugar Baby follows a young college student who investigates whether the "Sugar" world is a new dating forum or a cover for "Grey Prostitution". Geneve, our main subject, is a recent graduate of university and learns that a friend of hers has graduated without any student debt. She finds out this is due to the friend living a secret life as a 'Sugar Baby to a 62 year old boyfriend. Her friend describes it as "an arrangement". Geneve lists herself on some of the sugar baby websites and decides to find out from the Daddies and Babies exactly what is going on.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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