Mrs. Serial Killer_peliplat
Mrs. Serial Killer_peliplat

Mrs. Serial Killer (2020)

TV-MA (US) | India | Hindi, English | 106 min
Directed by: Shirish Kunder

Dr Mrityunjoy (Joy) Mukherjee a well known gynecologist he and his wife Sona are over the moon when they find about Sona's pregnancy but the happiness is short lived.Joy gets arrested for serial killings of unmarried females who were pregnant with evidence and corpses found hidden underground in his house.Joy pleads to be innocent but no lawyer wants to take his case until he recommends Sona to contact one of his patients a top lawyer Rastogi who currently cant attend the hearings due to cardiac arrest.Rastogi's experience also fails to bail Joy while Shona is sure he is been framed Inspector Shaid Imran her ex boyfriend who wants to revenge on her.In order to convince the court that Joy is innocent and serial killer is still on prowl Sona tries the killers Modusoprandhi by kidnapping a unmarried Anushka whose pregnant.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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