Space MOMs_peliplat
Space MOMs_peliplat
Play trailer

Space MOMs (2019)

Not Rated (US) | India | English | 108 min
Directed by: Radha Bharadwaj

Inspired by the true story of the women engineers behind India's 2014 Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), Space MOMs tells the story of normal, middle class working moms who also happen to be rocket scientists working on a very important mission. As the "Space Moms" struggle to pull off an unprecedented feat against impossible odds, they have to balance their brutal work schedules with their family lives. As the "Space Moms" strive to make India the first nation to place a spacecraft into Mars' orbit on the very first try-and on a budget less than what Hollywood spent making the space movie Gravity-many things can and do go wrong. The film also follows the parallel stories of young girls from impoverished backgrounds who begin following the work of the "Space Moms," and who become inspired to believe that they too can reach for the stars. Space MOMs is an inspirational story not only for Indians, but for people of all backgrounds who can connect to the universal themes of love, hard work, family, dreaming big, persistence, and rooting for the underdog. Space MOMs will inspire young girls--and young boys--around the world to pursue their education, especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The "Space Moms" prove that not all heroes wear capes: Some heroes wear saris.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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