Porta Filliou_peliplat
Porta Filliou_peliplat

Porta Filliou (1977)

None | Canada | English, French | 47 min
Directed by: Robert Filliou

A video work jointly produced by Robert Filliou and Clive Robertson and mystery guest, Marcella Bienvenue, during Robert Filliou's artist-in-residency (October 1st-21st, 1977) at the artist-run centre Arton's in Calgary, Canada. "Porta Filliou" was made as a video supplement to Robert Filliou's book "Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts", 1970. "Porta Filliou" includes "The Gong Show", a performance Robert Filliou made with Brian Dyson, and earlier Fluxus films including a joint performance with Emmett Williams ("What's Happening?") and a non-continuity film made with George Brecht, Marianne Staffels-Filliou, and Donna Jo-Jones. Robert Filliou's work and ideas were the catalyst for the founding of the artist-run centre movement in Canada and Quebec.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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