Goodbye Mother_peliplat
Goodbye Mother_peliplat
Play trailer

Goodbye Mother (2019)

Unrated (US) | Vietnam | Vietnamese, English | 106 min
Directed by: Trinh Dinh Le Minh

Van, the heir of a Vietnamese clan, returns home from the US the first time in 9 years for the move of his father's tomb. The whole family is surprised to find him with a young Vietnamese-American, Ian; he's Van's boyfriend and they plan to come out to Van's widowed mother, Mrs. Hanh, who had expected him to get married and have kids to fulfill his duties as a heir. Then his grandmother, who has senile dementia, mistakes Ian for her grandson. While looking for the perfect occasion to come out, Van discovers that Mrs. Hanh in seriously ill.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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