
Twivortiare (2019)

Unrated (US) | Indonesia | Indonesian | 103 min
Directed by: Benni Setiawan

When they met for the first time, they immediately fell in love. Within months, they married. After two years, after being tired of all the endless conflicts and arguments, finally, the super busy surgeon, Beno Wicaksono, and the successful banker, Alexandra Rhea decide to divorce. Friends of Alex, Vienna, calls it a divorce that is never seriously separated, because various events always bring them to meet each other. Even though there is other men, Denny who tries to fill Alexandra's heart, but still, the strong sense of love that is forced to die, even more blossoming. They are united again. A second marriage takes place. This time Beno and Alex promise, they will go through this marriage with a more mature attitude, mutual understanding and willingness to budge. They believe they can, because they still love each other. But is it true, love is enough? or what they feel it - is not love?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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