Pirates Down the Street_peliplat
Pirates Down the Street_peliplat
Play trailer

Pirates Down the Street (2020)

6 (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch | 94 min
Directed by: Pim van Hoeve

Nice Dutch schoolboy Michiel Brugman is bored as nothing ever happens in his neighborhood, and his only buddy moved away. Then he gets new neighbors: pirate Hector Donderbus, who regularly moves his ship and crew, plus pets and 'guard shark', since his mortal enemy Knokige 'Bony' Krelis threatened his then newborn son Billy, now Michiel's age, new friend and bad teen example, eager to play the macho proving himself a fearless pirate. It's walking a tight cord for all, learning to match pirate and 'landlubber' ways, even before Bony turns up, determined to seize the gold-stuffed Donderbus treasure chest, by blackmail or worse.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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