Iye the others_peliplat
Iye the others_peliplat

Iye the others (2018)

None | India | Bengali | 71 min
Directed by: Debesh Chatterjee

Iye "Others" is about three people in search of their identities in an increasingly globalized world, amid attempts by the establishment and society to enforce conformity. One of the protagonists - a woman stifled by the monotony of her life, who searches for a language with known words but new meanings. She refuses to speak any established language. She is eventually branded as mad and rounded up by the power that resents her quest for the new. It questions why she wants a different language. Another protagonist is a man in search of a number that does not exist on any computer. Intrigued by the fact that the Kolkata Metro does not list the number of stairs in its stations, he starts counting the stairs in the city. Then, there's a man who searches the by-lanes of Kolkata for a new country. He participates in the "World Vagabond Conference" to reach America but realizes that the country he wanted to visit no longer exists.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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