The Human Solution_peliplat
The Human Solution_peliplat

The Human Solution (2021)

None | USA | English | 100 min
Directed by: Mirtha Vega

To prevent those found to be flawed by mental disabilities, bad genes, "undesirable" hereditary taint, or exhibiting unacceptable social tendencies (such as overt promiscuity) from reproducing, Sweden had as many as 60,000 of its own citizens sterilized, primarily between 1935 and 1955 - sometimes involuntarily. Nearly 95% of these were women. These chilling words appear at the beginning of the feature, THE HUMAN SOLUTION. Based on historical facts and set in 1938-1953 Sweden, this fictional story is a harrowing family drama that explores eugenics through the eyes of a Swedish doctor, August Persson, who performed the procedures. When his estranged wife dies in childbirth, leaving behind a half-Roma baby girl, August's life is turned upside down by his decision to raise her himself.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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