Earth Girls Are Sleazy_peliplat
Earth Girls Are Sleazy_peliplat

Earth Girls Are Sleazy (2019)

None | USA | English | 73 min
Directed by: Phil Herman, Marcus Koch, Richard Mogg, Terence Muncy, Tim Ritter

Are Earth Girls Sleazy??? Explore the world of no budget sci-fi in this 7 part anthology. Earth Girls are Sleazy brings together some of the most recognized names in micro budget film making to date. Starring some of your favorite underground actors and actresses such as Krystal Pixie Adams, Phil Herman, Bob Glazier, Joel D. Wynkoop and hosted by Ashley Lynn Caputo, Earth Girls are Sleazy brings home a fun sleazy and cheesy anthology film you must have in your home video collection. Are Earth Girls Sleazy? Watch and find out.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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