Meeting At The Refrigerator_peliplat
Meeting At The Refrigerator_peliplat

Meeting At The Refrigerator (2016)

None | Georgia | Georgian |
Directed by: Khatuna Khundadze

4 minutes black humor bringing to surprising cold and dramatic story to us. Based on the story the action of the film was moved to the supermarket diary product fridge in order to add more coldness and dramatism to the story and to feel cold physically. The film is made in cold, blue-grayish colors as much as possible. In front of the fridge, a woman and a man are meeting each other. In 4 minutes we find, that a women killed herself, he is mourning, he drunk so many drugs in order to suicide, a stomach is irritated and cannot eat anything but yogurt , no he is here to choose it - and then what does it happened - he will know it in 4 minutes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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