Fear of the Unsettled Mind_peliplat
Fear of the Unsettled Mind_peliplat

Fear of the Unsettled Mind (2019)

None | USA | English | 6 min
Directed by: David Maddox

Fear of the Unsettled Mind is a found footage/avant garde short that perfectly captures what happens when a filmmaker desperately wants to make a film, but lacks the time and money in the moment to film something. Compiled from old footage shot during the summer of 1998 as well as archival film my father shot when he was a young man in the 1960s, Fear of the Unsettled Mind is a visual dream-like collection of image, music, and sound, peppered with quotes of famous surrealists. Is this what dreams look like? Why are dogs so prevalent? Is this structure, or merely complimentary forms blended together? Much like dreams themselves, none of these questions shall fully be answered.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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