Nuff Said_peliplat
Nuff Said_peliplat

Nuff Said (2019)

None | USA | English | 10 min
Directed by: C.H. Benz

Joe Wimpey is a naive young writer who wants to make it big in Hollywood. He gets the break of a lifetime when the scrupulous producer, Conrad, gives him the chance to write a movie about the "Brawn Brigade" comic book. Sadly, Joe has just run into his own kryptonite-actually doing something. With the deadline approaching and a bad case of writer's block, Joe turns to his producer for help writing the movie. However, they just create a bland movie full of cliches. Not satisfied with what they made, Joe turns to the comic book fans for advice. They give him all sorts of interesting ideas-new villains, cool team ups and...pregnant supermen? The brainstorming session quickly devolves and the second script is just a terrible piece of fan fiction. With nowhere else to turn, Joey turns to the Brawn Brigade's creator-Sam Lee-for advice. The legendary writer simply tells Joe that he shouldn't just write to please other people, but write the story he was simply meant to write. Joe turns back to writing his script with new confidence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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