You Have Arrived_peliplat
You Have Arrived_peliplat
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You Have Arrived (2019)

R-16 (PH) | Philippines | Tagalog, Filipino | 81 min
Directed by: Shugo Praico

When they were young Arianne, Dani, and Flo were victims of bullying, but the common struggle brought them together which eventually bloomed into a beautiful friendship. At present, the three girls are now social media influencers in their own right. Until a bar incident caused Arianne to lose her social media followers and a rift with her longtime friends. To get her followers back, Arianne becomes more active in social media and uses popular hashtags in her posts. This is where she crosses paths with Chloe, a talent coordinator who invites her to an exclusive party for models and influencers. To patch things up with Dani and Flo, Arianne invites them to the party. The former agreed and they go to the party altogether. Things go south when thee three discover that the fun occasion unknowingly becomes the worst night of their lives. Will Arianne, Dani, and Flo be able to escape the party and make it out alive?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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