Child of the Sun_peliplat
Child of the Sun_peliplat

Child of the Sun (2014)

None | Tunisia | Arabic, French | 72 min
Directed by: Taieb Louhichi

After enjoying an evening of clubbing and a twilight swim, Yanis incites Sonia and Fafou to sneak into a villa. Once inside, they unexpectedly meet the owner, Kateb, a writer, sitting in a wheelchair. Kateb proves to be manipulative and mysterious. His interaction with Yanis unveils the true facts of this young man's past, similarities mysteriously connected to the villa owners' latest book. Is Kateb really just a writer of a book that per chance resembles the story of the young man, or is there more to discover...?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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