The Jag_peliplat
The Jag_peliplat

The Jag (2019)

None | Australia | English | 14 min
Directed by: Cathy Allen

Downtrodden librarian Markeesh has a crush on one of her colleagues. She is cruelly set up to believe that the feeling is mutual, and goes to escalating lengths to win Paul's heart completely. Spurred on by references and definitions of the word 'Jag' she finds throughout the library, Markeesh sets out to steal the boss's E-Type Jag for him. She is devastated when she discovers the final truth about Paul, that he has been the biggest jag of them all. Markeesh realises that what she wanted all along, was not love, but the respect and equal standing of her peers. From quiet crafternoons to wild commando rolls, Markeesh's small community library sets the scene perfectly for her adventure to find the one thing she truly desires - acceptance.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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