Hotel Edelveys_peliplat
Hotel Edelveys_peliplat

Hotel Edelveys (2019)

12 (UA) | Ukraine | Ukrainian | 90 min
Directed by: Yuriy Rudyy

This is the story of a Ukrainian oligarch for whom material wealth means more than his principles, but the power of "love" interferes and takes the situation into its own hands. The cynical and ambitious young Ukrainian oligarch Alex settles in a god-forsaken hotel in order to win the heart of Irit, the daughter of the owner of the hotel, within a span of one week and through that obtain the rights to mine gold deposits that were recently discovered on the land where the hotel is located. But it is not so easy to do this when Irit is secretly betrothed, other trouble-makers also know about the the discovery of gold deposits on the hotel land, and when true love gets in a way of becoming fabulously rich.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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