Abgetorft! Legen deutsche Unternehmer das Baltikum trocken?_peliplat
Abgetorft! Legen deutsche Unternehmer das Baltikum trocken?_peliplat

Abgetorft! Legen deutsche Unternehmer das Baltikum trocken? (2018)

None | Germany | German | 30 min
Directed by: Susanne Brahms, Rainer Krause

Without peat no vegetables, plant production is not possible without peat. The world market leader is a company based in Emsland. This now obtains the raw material on a large scale from the Baltic States. In order to cover our demand for peat, they will eventually dry up intact moors there, warns moor expert Hans Joosten. This is a first-class environmental mess, because dry moors are a problem for climate protection, they emit enormous amounts of greenhouse gases. Hans Joosten therefore demands: What is dry must become wet again. "Re:" accompanies bog conservationists and peat producers to peat fields in Germany and the Baltic States. Does our immense peat consumption lead to the destruction of peatlands in neighbouring countries?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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