Sverigedemokraterna - Vägen till riksdagen_peliplat
Sverigedemokraterna - Vägen till riksdagen_peliplat

Sverigedemokraterna - Vägen till riksdagen (2010)

None | Sweden | Swedish | 58 min
Directed by: Phil Poysti, Bo Sjökvist, Karin Swärd

Sweden Democrats or Swedish Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna, SD) is a national-conservative, populist political party in Sweden founded in 1988. The party describes itself as social conservative with a nationalist foundation. The party has been characterized by others as right-wing populist or far-right, national-conservative, and anti-immigration. Jimmie Åkesson has been party leader since 2005. The Sweden Democrats crossed the 4% threshold necessary for parliamentary representation for the first time in the 2010 general election, polling 5.7% and gaining 20 seats in the Riksdag/Parliament.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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