Night Drive_peliplat
Night Drive_peliplat

Night Drive (2020)

None | USA | English | 17 min
Directed by: Sabrina Greco

Julia and her friends are planning on doing their high school's haunted house, until Julia's friend Becca invites everyone to smoke weed instead. Julia follows her brother Kevin's advice and does the haunted house regardless of her friends' decisions. However, she opts to go to the party afterwards. Julia's brother is not happy with this decision, and brings her to a woods-hangout with his friends where they are all doing acid, in an attempt to shake Julia of her new drug interests. Julia gets upset with him and storms off, but he later finds her and wants her to drive him home because he is not feeling well. Since she has barely driven before, she feels uncomfortable and tries to suggest other methods of getting home. Eventually, she reluctantly agrees, and she drives him home.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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