Kambili: The Whole 30 Yards_peliplat
Kambili: The Whole 30 Yards_peliplat
Play trailer

Kambili: The Whole 30 Yards (2020)

13 (AR) | Nigeria | English | 119 min
Directed by: Kayode Kasum

Kambili Maduka, is an irresponsible, spoiled, spendthrift 28-year-old woman who is turning 29 in a few days. The only thing on her mind is to get married before she turns 30. However, after getting suspended from work due to her incessant lateness, she goes on a date with her boyfriend and he breaks up with her, dashing her hopes of getting married before 30. She decides that what she needs to do is prove to her boyfriend that she can be everything he wants her to be which is; responsible, driven, focused and wife material.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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