Still ruht der See_peliplat
Still ruht der See_peliplat

Still ruht der See (2019)

None | Austria, Slovenia | German | 78 min
Directed by: Daniel Zivkovic

Renowned architect Wolfgang Haller (Alfred Aichholzer) contacts the police and confesses the murder of 17-year old Hanna Bacher (Anna Sophie Diederich). Detective Tom Egger (Daniel Zivkovic) and his coworker Franziska Hofer (Simone Lesky) take the case, which takes place in a small village near the national border. Even though Haller confesses, the detectives don't believe him. It turns out that the families of Anton Bacher (Werner Wulz) and Ewald Strasser (Franz Wank) are more involved with the case than the detectives thought. It seems like that the local community, under the guidance of pastor Joze Lutnik (Uros Zavodnik), is hiding something.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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