Here Lies Lauren_peliplat
Here Lies Lauren_peliplat

Here Lies Lauren (2020)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English |
Directed by: Jonathan Rome

24-Year-Old Alex (Elijah Olachea) has made his way through life without the help of his abusive mother, Lauren (Charlotte Hendrickx), who he was able to leave six years prior until he learns that she had suddenly passed. Fueled by the rage of his childhood, Alex intends to read a eulogy exploiting her for the terrible person he believed she was. But when he runs into some new flames, such as her fiance, Mark (Mo Smead), and her lifelong best friend, Eleanor (Laurie Peters), he learns that she had become a different person over their 6 years of not talking. Now he must question whether he wants the last word or to truly leave Lauren to rest in peace.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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