Moods of Love_peliplat
Moods of Love_peliplat

Moods of Love (1972)

PG (US) | UK | English | 20 min
Directed by: David Wickes

A film shot on location in and around Stratford-upon-Avon; concerns ten Shakespearian sonnets, spoken off-screen, which have a single dramatic theme: a bond between an aging poet, his mistress and a young man. Eric Porter reads the sonnets. Shakespeare's words provide the verbal counterpart to the emotions silently portrayed in a superbly-acted drama. Ten love sonnets explore the relationship between a man, a women he loves, and his young friend. Spoken and played by members of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Winner of the Silver Hugo Award at the 1972 Chicago Film Festival.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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