Prolonged Silence_peliplat
Prolonged Silence_peliplat

Prolonged Silence (2021)

None | Mexico, USA | Spanish, English | 16 min
Directed by: Pau Verdalet

With the birth of their first daughter, and due to complications in labor, Ben and Sofia get confronted with a reality in which the line between life and death becomes so thin that it is no longer distinguishable. Ben, having but little experience in how to take care of his daughter, is in constant denial of a reality that is evident to Sofía, while the latter is even questioning her own existence due to the impossibility of being able to react to the constant stimuli of her newborn. Thus, "Long Silence" becomes an exploration of the human subconsciousness through the eyes of it's protagonists and their newborn.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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