The Mark_peliplat
The Mark_peliplat

The Mark (2020)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 23 min
Directed by: Loren Blazek

Tensions rise as a female human attempts keep the identity of an Android refugee hidden from the rest of her camp.Three humans are looking after a camp while the rest of their crew is out on a mission. They are then faced with a mysterious outsider refugee named Cyman. Sasha, a female human, discovers that this refugee is an Android hiding their mark, a small symbol on the wrist of Androids. She decides to keep the identity of Cyman hidden from the rest of the camp in order to protect Cyman. Cyman's Identity is eventually found out, and David, the leader of the human camp, reveals that he assumed Cyman was an Android all along, and pretended to believe Sasha in order to test her loyalty to human-kind. In a segregated world ruled by fear of the "other", do the humans listen to their fears and suspicions, or accept the Android?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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