Val 76: Palme - Fälldin_peliplat
Val 76: Palme - Fälldin_peliplat

Val 76: Palme - Fälldin (1976)

None | Sweden | Swedish | 57 min

Although the Swedish Social Democratic Party remained the largest party, winning 152 of the 349 seats in the Riksdag/Parliament, a coalition government was formed with the Centre Party, the People's Party and the conservative Moderate Party, who won a combined 180 seats, which formed Sweden's first non-socialist government since 1936. The Centre Party leader Thorbjörn Fälldin, who had widely been expected to take over the government in the previous election of 1973, which turned out to bring a 175-175 draw between the left and right blocs, was appointed Prime Minister. The Social Democratic Party leader, Olof Palme, had been in office since 1969.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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