Above the Ground_peliplat
Above the Ground_peliplat

Above the Ground

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Vitaly Cheresh
This title has not premiered yet

Title: Above The Ground Genre: Documentary movie/Series Format: Digital RAW time length: 237h:01m:52sec Running time: Approx 6-12 Series, 40 minutes each (depends on platform's format) Setting: USA, Norway, Malaysia, Greece, Russian Federation, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, United Arab Emirates Shooting: 10/10/2018-03/29/2020 Delivery: August 2020 Logline: A documentary film about the passion for human flight experiences - the thin lines between mental freedom, exhilaration, adrenaline, joy, life and death, and just plain fun. Incredible stories of professional jumpers, fliers, pilots. What really drives them. The good and bad of extreme sports. Talent Writer-Directors: SKYOGI PRODUCTIONS Producers: Vitaly Cheresh DoP: SKYOGI PRODUCTIONS Production Designer: SKYOGI PRODUCTIONS FPV Drone Pilot: Jan Verhaeren.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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