Play trailer

Thimiram (2021)

UA (IN) | India | Malayalam | 107 min
Directed by: Shivaram Mony

CATARACT is the story of a seventy-year-old man's cataract related issues. It highlights the complications after his cataract surgery. The protagonist of the movie is a seventy-year-old, middle-class man, who earns his bread &butter by selling curry masalas to local shops. He is a male chauvinist who denigrates females in the belief that they are inferior to men and thus deserving of less than equal treatment or benefit. His disrespect towards women is deep-rooted from childhood itself. So, the title Thi.Mi.Ram or Cataract carries different layers of meaning. In other words, the title and movie itself is a metaphor. The female characters of the movie are the epitome of self-respect and women's integrity. Even though they have been suffering because of the protagonist's attitude, they cherish their self-respect. "Kannanu pennu or woman is the eye " is the tagline of the movie. It is the crux of the movie too. In short, the movie proclaims that respecting and celebrating womanhood is essential, along with women empowerment. Yes. It's a film with female integrity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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