
Incompatible (2020)

None | USA | English | 5 min
Directed by: Ashley Golden

HENRI OBRIEN is a laid-back artist looking for good Wi-Fi for his tablet when he stumbles upon the SYNTHESIS CAFÉ. It's a social mixer but it appears to be a business gathering between people. Among the crowd, Henri recognizes his childhood crush, RUBI BENNET by her EARRINGS. Henri is suddenly interested in the mixer and asks the person at the front podium about it. THE SYNTHESIST, an android, explains to Henri that Synthesis is a dating program designed to find the most compatible partners for people. Interested, Henri lets The Synthesist scan his BARCODE TATTOO to find his compatible partner. After loading, The Synthesist brings up AMY WILSON. Disappointed that it's not Rubi, Henri waits for The Synthesist to become distracted to interrupt Rubi's date with JEFFERY. Henri tells Jeffery that he was at the wrong table, and Jeffery excuses himself. Henri compliments Rubi but she remains unreadable and inquisitive. The Synthesist catches on and tells Henri that he should not be with Rubi because the two are completely incompatible. Henri ignores The Synthesist and tells Rubi that the Synthesis program is a suggestion. Henri invites her out to a real café. Despite wanting to follow the system, Rubi caves in and takes Henri up on his date. When they leave together, the Synthesist starts uploading new data based on Henri and Rubi and how their compatibility grew.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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