Life in a Vial_peliplat
Life in a Vial_peliplat

Life in a Vial (2020)

None | USA | English | 13 min
Directed by: Samantha Bozin

Abigail is a college student living with type one diabetes. When her friend, Marcus, discovers that she has been rationing the medication that keeps her alive, Marcus takes Abby to the hospital. At the hospital, Abigail meets Dr. Turner, and confides in her that she can't afford her insulin. Throughout her journey, Abigail struggles to figure out how she will pay for her life-saving medication, but Dr. Turner promises Abby there will be a solution - eventually. But the question remains: should Abby sacrifice her life so as not to be a burden for her family or should she continue to pay thousands of dollars every month to stay alive? Life in a Vial is the dramatized tale of what happens when insulin prices are too high, followed by a documentary-style talk back about diabetes advocacy.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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