The Road to Elsinore_peliplat
The Road to Elsinore_peliplat

The Road to Elsinore (2016)

None | Canada | English | 96 min
Directed by: Wesley Rickert

A renegade art-road trip that roams a rural landscape in search of lost poets, art criminals, outcasts, ghosts and a mirage east of Toronto. Leaving behind the spectacle of the city, this journey takes the long way in championing iconoclastic irrationality, never assuming traditional characters or narratives, and creating itself with cross genre mixing. Part documentary, part music video and part stage play, this film provides a psychedelic alternative to the usual road trip plot, while confronting the dazzle camouflage of entertainment that pokes a thumb into Canadian and international politics.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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