The Last Piece of the Puzzle_peliplat
The Last Piece of the Puzzle_peliplat

The Last Piece of the Puzzle (2020)

None | UK | English | 8 min
Directed by: Nicolò Goattin

Hope, a young but inquisitive girl, has a seemingly perfect but repetitive life. Hope starts seeing mysterious logos on her belongings, including the pill she's forced to take daily. Worried, she spits her pill out secretly. After a while she develops splitting headaches and hallucinates the logo shining all around her to the point of collapse. She wakes up in bed that night, only to find her mother with a glowing tube in her stomach, staring at her. This scares Hope, so she starts banging on the windows in an escape attempt. After a hard hit, the view outside glitches, and everything goes black. The ceiling glitches next, leaving Hope staring up into the sky. With no roof, Hope climbs up the walls to escape, only to see infinite rows of identical, roofless houses and the logo glowing in the sky.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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