Concrete Utopia_peliplat
Concrete Utopia_peliplat
Play trailer

Concrete Utopia (2023)

Not Rated (US) | South Korea | Korean | 130 min
Directed by: Tae-hwa Eom

Amidst the mystery of the earthquake's origin and the unknown expanse of the ruins, Hwang Gung Apartments stands alone in Seoul as a solitary beacon of survival. As the relentless cold drives outsiders to seek refuge within its walls, the influx overwhelms the residents. Faced with the dire challenge to their existence, they implement a drastic measure to safeguard their community. This gripping tale of survival and human resilience is a must-watch, illustrating the lengths to which people will go to protect their sanctuaries against the odds.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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