Die perfekte Welle - Big Wave Surfing in Portugal_peliplat
Die perfekte Welle - Big Wave Surfing in Portugal_peliplat

Die perfekte Welle - Big Wave Surfing in Portugal (2018)

None | Germany | German, English, Portuguese | 30 min
Directed by: Frank Gensthaler

The small Portuguese coastal town of Nazaré is unique in Europe. It became the Olympus of surfing in the 2010s. Monster waves roll ashore here between late autumn and spring. They are the largest in the world, so Nazaré is a hotspot for big wave surfers such as the German professional Sebastian Steudtner, the only German extreme athlete in this field who belongs to the world's elite. The giant waves are spectacular, but they are also extremely dangerous. They have given the former fishing port a new boom, because the activities of the surfers now attracts tourists in droves to the place even in winter. But accidents with serious injuries occur again and again. The documentary shows how the coastal town is handling the new attraction and how Sebastian Steudtner is preparing for a new record ride on the biggest wave on earth.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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