The Factory Is Full - A Tragicomedy in Eight Acts_peliplat
The Factory Is Full - A Tragicomedy in Eight Acts_peliplat

The Factory Is Full - A Tragicomedy in Eight Acts (2012)

None | Italy | Italian | 55 min
Directed by: Irene Dionisio

October 2010, the historical building of Fiat Grandi Motori in Turin is going to be dismantled. Two Rumanian homeless - modern beckettian heroes and the quiet veteran of the abandoned factory Gica called the "managing director" live in a limbo of alternating moments of desperation, repressed violence and deep humanity. The abandoned factory becomes the stage of their personal "tragicomedy" whose last act will stretch over the final phase of demolition.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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