
Iceolation (2020)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Sebastian Zavala

A harsh frost has hit. Temperatures are below freezing, and people are warned to stay inside for their own protection. The outside is never seen. All windows are frosted over and the sense of impending doom is strongly felt. Estates are equipped with generators for extra power and self-distributed as needed. However, this relies on the goodwill of people to only take what they need so there is enough for everyone. The film is all about Maisie, a young girl who is slowly freezing to death in the interior of her home, trying to survive a harsh frost in a desolate world. She decides to call her brother Will, who lives with her estranged father and doesn't know of her desperate situation. What starts as an innocent call eventually develops into the revelation of a family secret.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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