Princess Dayareese_peliplat
Princess Dayareese_peliplat
Play trailer

Princess Dayareese (2021)

G (PH) | Philippines | Tagalog, Filipino | 115 min
Directed by: Barry Gonzalez

Reese is a con artist from Manila who dreams of living like royalty. An opportunity arrives in the form of Princess Ulap, a runaway princess from the mysterious kingdom of Oro, who looks exactly like her. Switching places in exchange for gold, Reese flies to Ulap's kingdom where she meets Caleb, a determined young reporter who is doing a documentary on the island of Oro. The road to happily-ever-after becomes bumpy when the man in search of truth falls in love with the fake princess.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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