
Shalee (2015)

None | India | Marathi | 120 min
Directed by: Atul Satam

Shalini, with her elder brother Mangesh and younger sister Nalu stay in a small, typical Konkan village. Their old house still displays a few signs of past glory, Despite her being visually impaired she is able to move around and carry out all the household chores with ease. Young Shalini- Shalee forgets her age and plays with kids in the neighborhood. Ten year old Prakash is her close friend. Shalee often finds it easy to share her inner thoughts with him. Shalee has a gift of a sharp memory and remembers a number of verses, poems and songs easily. With the help of her cousin Prajakta she tries to learn Braille. Aunt Hiru- Hiruattya has special unconditional love for her and is very fond of Shalee. Her brother and her sister get married in due course, and they get engrossed in their own family life. Miserable Shalee slowly gets sidelined. Like any other young girl she also has a strong natural desire to get married and have her own man to love, however her blindness is an obstacle and this shatters her dreams.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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