Army Baby_peliplat
Army Baby_peliplat

Army Baby (2022)

None | Greece | Greek |
Directed by: George Kordellas

Yiannis is a young man who is doing his military service at a camp on the Greek Turkish border along the Evros river. He is an unsophisticated youngster possessing all the carelessness of youth and facing life with absolute lightness. Before he joined the Army he flung himself into pursuing short-term pleasures with legendary irresponsibility without ever considering the consequences of his actions. Having found the required balance to diligently fritter away his military service time, a "consequence" comes knocking on his camp door. An unaccompanied, six-month infant, the existence of whom is unknown to him, arrives at the camp with a note that determines Yiannis as the natural father. The unexpected event disrupts the routine of this borderland Unit, with all the soldiers trying to keep the arrival and stay of the infant secret from the higher ranking officers, while, at the same time, caring for the infant's needs and taking... babysitting shifts. Unforeseen complications lead to the brink of a hot episode as the baby crosses the border by mistake and ends up in a... Turkish hammam bath. Yiannis is forced to enter Turkey to bring his baby back.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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