Time Matters_peliplat
Time Matters_peliplat

Time Matters (2019)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Mikey Jay

D'Andre Grant, one of New York's most successful high powered defense attorneys represents New York's most powerful crime family, "The Contento Family". Anthony Contento Sr. and his brother Paolo made a promise to the late Betty Grant, D'Andre's mother, that they would take care and look after her sons especially D'Andre. Things go south for D'Andre when his twelve year old daughter Madison becomes the victim of a kidnapping. On top of having a strenuous relationship with his wife Dalaina he has to defend Anthony Contento Jr. a certified psychopath and son of Anthony Contento Sr. As well as being stalked by an ex acquaintance "Lacey". Now it's a race against time for D'Andre as he scrambles to gather up the ransom money demanded by the kidnappers but when you push a man with limits to not having any limits the outcome can be dangerous and to D'Andre Grant "TIME MATTERS".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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