
Pereattestatsiya (2019)

None | Russia | Russian | 19 min
Directed by: Anna Kuzminykh

A quiet, intelligent, seemingly pleasant family, they lived their lives neither good nor bad. After death, they were sent to Purgatory - an intermediate state of souls. Here they are doomed to endless tea-drinking for small talk and solving the economic affairs of the office of Hell. The family consists of a father, mother, grandmother, daughter and son. Each - with its own character and its own ideas about good and evil. To pass the recertification and determine their souls in Heaven or Hell, the family will have to complete the task of the more than cunning Lucifer: when the affairs of unallocated souls "accidentally" get at their table, how will each of them manifest themselves? Condemn? Have mercy? Or maybe he will return the papers that do not belong to him?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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