
Kök (2021)

None | Turkey | Turkish |
Directed by: Selin Mincinozlu

Grandma Sebahat is finds out on a Saturday morning that the fig tree, which she and her husband brought years ago from their village and planted in their small yard surrounded by apartments got cut down by the owner of a billiard's cafe. The underdogs hanging out all the time there and the neighbors get involved in the situation, too. Sebahat goes into conflict with these people all by herself. She struggles to resist all of them, but decides not to let get away with it unpunished. She heads to the police and municipality to complain. They tell her it's only possible to investigate the crime scene and open a case in weekdays, not at weekend. She gets afraid that the criminals may remove the tree from the crime scene until Monday. So, she thinks of only one way left for her to handle the situation.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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