A Tale of Three Trees_peliplat
A Tale of Three Trees_peliplat

A Tale of Three Trees (2019)

None | USA | English | 21 min
Directed by: Mark Nicolosi

Be transported on a journey as three trees try to imagine their dreams of a life fulfilled. When their true destiny is revealed, they could not have imagined on their own what God had planned for them. This is a film adaptation of Linda Nash's wonderful book, A Tale of Three Trees. As a young girl is struggling with her own inadequacies, she stumbles upon a small acorn who knows that God has a destiny and purpose placed in each life and even though it may not be evident in appearance, it is there just the same. He should know. For inside that small acorn lies a mighty oak. As the young girl wrestles with growing up, the acorn shares the story of A Tale of Three Trees. The film utilizes the beautiful illustrations by award winning Russian born artist, Anna Shakeeva, and ends with the magnificently produced and arranged song, The Tree of Life, written and sung by Linda Nash. A Tale of Three Trees awakens young and old to the continuous challenge to uphold all life as beautiful...no matter how small.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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