In the Shadow_peliplat
In the Shadow_peliplat

In the Shadow (2021)

None | Taiwan | Mandarin | 98 min
Directed by: Clark Shi Wei Lee, Kun Ting Tsai

Archer, who has lost his memory because of a car accident, wakes up one day to find that his girlfriend, Jenny, has suddenly left without telling him. Archer only has known Jenny for the past three months. When the police department is unwilling to accept his report, Archer has to work with his new journalist friend Nick to investigate Jenny's background and find out the truth behind this missing case. Archer realizes that nothing is as it seems. Everything was related with his accident from three months ago. While the situation seems to be progressing, many strange things start to appear around Archer, making many of the connections that have been built up so easily fall apart. In the face of these visions and dreams, what exactly did Archer experience before she lost her memory in the car accident? Why does Nick, a stranger, suddenly become so eager to help Archer find Jenny?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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